Recipe: Yummy Nasi Pecel Jamur
Nasi Pecel Jamur.
You can cook Nasi Pecel Jamur using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Nasi Pecel Jamur
- You need of Jamur Tiram.
- It's of Tepung sajiku.
- Prepare of Tepung terigu.
- Prepare of Air.
- It's of Minyak goreng.
- You need of Sayuran untuk pecel.
- It's of Kobis.
- You need of Kangkung/bayam/daun katuk.
- It's of Wortel.
- Prepare of Kentang.
- It's of Kacang panjang.
- It's of Sambal pecel.
- You need of Aku beli yg udh ada dipasar aja yg sachet gitu.
Nasi Pecel Jamur instructions
- Cuci jamur kemudian lumuri dgn tepung sajiku yg sdh dicampur air.
- Kemudian lumuri kembali dgn tepung terigu yg kering saja agar tampilan nya bagus yaa(krispi gitu nah).
- Goreng jamur hingga matang.
- Rebus sayuran pecel nya. Jgn overcook yaa kasian vitamin nya nanti hilang.
- Sambal pecel beku sachet an ny dicampur air hangat terus aku tambahi cabe rawit.
- Sajikan dipiring dgn urutan: nasi putih 》 sayur pecel 》 sambal pecel 》 jamur krispi.
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