How to Prepare Yummy Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy

Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy.

Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy You can cook Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy

  1. You need of Jamur siram.
  2. You need of Totole.
  3. Prepare of Lada.
  4. It's of Bumbu sasa hot & spicy.
  5. Prepare of Tepung terigu.

Jamur Crispy Hot & Spicy instructions

  1. Cuci jamur & keringkan..
  2. Buat 2 adonan. Adonan yang basah itu tepung terigu + lada + totole. Adonan kering itu bumbu sasa serbaguna..
  3. Celupkan jamur satu persatu ke bumbu basah kemudian bumbu kering..
  4. Goreng jamur. Kemudian hidangkan. Yummy, cemilan kamu nonton film!.


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